CPG Marketing Trends and Strategies to Watch Out for in 2022


Natural Consumer Packaged Goods or CPGs are lining the shelves everywhere. These products have long dominated a highly-competitive market by tapping into consumer behavior. Brands worldwide have been scrambling to keep up with the massive shift in consumer behavior due to the pandemic.


In today’s blog, we bring you some of the marketing trends and strategies to attract an audience in 2022.

The Meteoric Rise of eCommerce

While eCommerce was floating alongside traditional commerce nicely before the pandemic, it’s downright taken over the latter in the past couple of years. COVID-19 added a whopping $105 billion to the US eCommerce industry in 2020 alone. Online sales shot up by 32.4% in the same year and continued their upward trajectory after entering 2021.


Almost any brand that wanted to survive moved their business online, even those who had never stepped a proverbial foot inside the eCommerce space. Even though the worst is behind us, the convenience provided by online retail is sure to thrive well after the pandemic.

A Man Leaning Against a Wall and Entering His Credit Card Information on a Smartphone

The Fall of Price and Quality

Entering 2022, it’s clear that consumers are buying certain CPG products more than others. According to an Accenture study on 25,000 respondents from 22 countries, consumers worldwide are eschewing quality and price for five entirely new factors.


Health and safety, customer service, convenience, sustainability, and reputation have gained new ground across the board. This trend continues as CPG brands make their products more desirable to the audience through loyalty programs, store credit, and other promotions.

The Importance of Product Reviews

Product reviews will continue to be pivotal to sales in 2022. Thanks to more people researching online before popping into a store because venturing out means exposing yourself to the virus.


Products reviews and ratings are an important part of the sales strategy for most brands, CPG or not. They drive sales through positive feedback and by responding to negative feedback. Conversely, negative feedback is a way to research and optimize their products and make them suitable for a wider audience.

Skip the Research: Hire Natural Products Consultants 

Consumer behavior never stops changing, but you can stop trying to keep up with it by hiring our CPG business sales management services. Our team has 20 years of experience in sales management solutions for CPG brands. Outsource your sales to our natural products consulting agency to save yourself the very expensive trouble of hiring an experienced sales team.


Reach out for more information.

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