The Rise of Plant-Based Foods in the Natural CPG Industry


In recent years, plant-based eating is growing in popularity, and the natural CPG industry has taken notice. Plant-based food products are becoming increasingly popular among consumers seeking healthier and more sustainable options. This trend has created a growing demand for plant-based food products in the natural CPG industry.

emerge Natural Sales Solutions is a reputable CPG products consulting agency. We offer superior category management solutions to natural CPG brands. For over twenty years, we’ve been helping CPG brands with our impeccable sales, category intelligence, and financial management solutions. Our natural CPG consultants can also arrange promotional activities and trade shows.

Keep reading to learn more about the growing popularity of plant-based foods in the natural CPG industry.

Plant-Based Food Have Numerous Health Benefits

Plant-based foods are generally considered to be healthier than animal-based products. They are often lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories and higher in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This makes them an attractive option for health-conscious consumers.

Sustainable Food Alternative

One of the biggest reasons for the growing popularity of plant-based foods is because of their increased sustainability. Many consumers are concerned about the environmental impact of food production, and plant-based foods are seen as a more sustainable option. Plant-based foods require fewer resources, such as water and land, and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than animal-based products.

Plant-Based Foods Enhance Innovation In The Natural CPG Industry

As demand for plant-based foods has grown, so has innovation in the natural CPG industry. Companies are developing new plant-based products that mimic the taste and texture of meat and dairy products, making it easier for consumers to switch to a plant-based diet.

Mainstream Acceptance

Plant-based food is no longer seen as a niche product. It has gained mainstream acceptance and is increasingly being served in restaurants, grocery stores, and other food service outlets. This has helped to raise awareness of plant-based options and make them more accessible to consumers.

Boost The Sales Of Your Plant-Based Food Brand With Emerge

The popularity of plant-based food in the natural CPG industry is likely to continue to grow in the coming years. emerge understands that it’s a great opportunity that natural CPG brands can capitalize on. Thus, our consultants offer superior category management solutions to help your natural CPG brand succeed in this competitive market.

With our promotional activities and key industry partnerships, you can enhance the visibility of your plant-based food brand by boosting brand loyalty and sales.

Book a consultation now for more information about our sales management solutions for CPG brands.

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